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I noticed from a young age that my daughter really thrived when our home had a certain rhythm. I worked hard to incorporate consistency in our days, to make them flow as best I could, and to incorporate a lot of Montessori methods into our home. I’d never classify us as a Montessori family, because […]

Home Rhythm

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I’m not going to pretend I’m an expert by any means. Instead, I’m going to share with you my experience with raising chicks for the past 5 months. I did years of research to determine what chickens I was going to buy when I finally had a yard to put them in. A lot of […]

Beginner’s Guide to Backyard Chickens

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What in the world is vermicomposting? Every time I type the word I get an ugly red line under it. We know what composting is (the breaking down of food scraps and biodegradable products) so an extension of that is simply using worms in the process. I’m sure you’ve seen the big vats people use […]

How We Started Vermicomposting

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It’s that time of year again: post-holiday blues. I did some reading on why we feel this way after the holiday season. Is it January? Is it winter? Is it no longer having anything to look forward to? Is it financial stress? The simple answer is: yes. All of the above. During this time of […]

4 Simple Tricks to Boost Immunity