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Homemade granola is extremely easy to make and fairly inexpensive. Much less than buying it off the shelf! We choose rolled oats for everything we make which cost next to nothing in the big containers at any grocery store. Cranberries are my go-to dried fruit choice and then of course almonds. We actually used Brandless™ […]

Maple Almond Granola

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I’ve learned so far in my motherhood journey that no two people are the same when it comes to raising a child. I’ve been told so many methods that work for this person or that person, so many products that a person will swear by, so many ways to handle certain situations. I refuse to […]

My Top 5 Must-Have Baby Products

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I’m always preaching about living healthy because I truly care about the health of everyone. I’ve said it before, but our bodies are all we have and we deserve to take care of them both inside and out. I’m a firm believer in starting at the root of a problem. That’s why I started with […]

A Year In Review: My Plexus Journey

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Just recently my husband admitted he had a sugar problem and said he had to stop with the refined sugar, chocolate, candy, and desserts. I totally agreed with him (one time I caught him sneaking sprinkles!) but I knew how hard it was going to be for him. Seven days into his “no added sugar” […]

Fruit Pizza Dessert (Dairy-Free, Refined Sugar-Free)